Why Diabetes happen

Cause for Diabetes 

Most cases of diabetes lack a clear cause. begins to accumulate in the bloodstream in a limited few cases. The pancreas may not be producing enough insulin as a contributing factor in this issue. A combination of genetic and environmental variables may contribute to the development of type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Risk Factors 

The type of diabetes will determine the answer. In any of these situations, family history can be a factor. The risk of type 1 diabetes can be increased by elements including location and the environment.

Immune diabetes system cells are examined in family members who have type 1 diabetes. There is a possibility of an elevated risk of type 1 diabetes if certain autoantibodies are present. However, not everyone with this autoantibody gets diabetes.

Your risk of acquiring type 2 diabetes may also be increased by your ethnicity or race. People who are overweight or obese frequently develop type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, and pre-diabetes.


Diabetes long-term complications begin to appear gradually. The risk of problems increases as you live with diabetes for a longer period of time and as your blood sugar is less under control.

Diabetes complications can be fatal or even incapacitating. Pre-diabetes can cause type 2 diabetes in some cases. Among the potential issues:

Damage to the kidneys: The kidneys have millions of small blood vessels that filter waste from the blood. The sensitive filtering system may also begin to suffer from this diabetes.

Damage to the Eye's Blood Vessels: Diabetes can harm the eye's blood vessels, which can result in blindness.

Foot damage: Many foot issues are made more likely by nerve injury in the feet or by the poor blood supply to the feet.

Gestational diabetes complications

Overgrowth: Extra glucose has the ability to pass the placenta. It begins to stimulate the baby's pancreas to produce more insulin. This causes the growth to become very huge and could necessitate a C-section.

Low blood sugar: Shortly after birth, newborns of gestational diabetes sufferers begin to have low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). They would produce too much insulin on their own, which explains why.

The later-life onset of type 2 diabetes. Babies whose moms have gestational diabetes are more likely to go on to have type 2 diabetes and obesity as adults.

Untreated gestational diabetes can cause a baby to pass away either before or soon after birth.


We should constantly eat nutritious foods. Select foods that are higher in fiber and lower in fat and calories. Start putting more emphasis on whole grains, fruits, and veggies. To avoid being bored, eat a variety of healthy foods.

Increase your physical activity. On most days of the week, begin doing roughly 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or anticipate participating in at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise per week. For instance, go for a brisk daily walk. If a lengthy workout is out of the question, split it into shorter sessions throughout the day.

Reduce your weight. If you believe you are overweight, reducing your body weight by even 7% can lessen your risk of developing diabetes.


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